Henry (Eric Bana) has a genetic disorder which allows him to time travel spontaneously, arriving naked in whatever random destination he might find himself, although more often than not he intersects with his own life. Clare (Rachel McAdams) has been in love with Henry since girlhood, when he visited her from the future. And thus begins the circular question I was asking myself after the movie, and which the movie itself poses--who met whom first? Clare met an older version of Henry as a small girl, but the younger version of Henry meets Clare having no idea that he will meet her in his future, and her past. Thus it is that Clare accuses Henry at one point of having trapped her into loving him because he goes to the past (not on purpose) and imprints himself on her mind when she's a susceptible young girl.
With a brilliant premise, the movie has lots of great moments-and lots of flaws as well, the foremost among them being logic problems. Example: if Henry isn't allowed to interefere with the past, or the future, how is he able to obtain the winning lotto ticket which makes Clare and him millionaires? He can't bring things with him when he travels, so he shouldn't have been able to bring the ticket back with him. The only plausible explanation is that he found out where the ticket was bought, and purchased it in his own time the day of. Which doesn't make sense either because he's not supposed to alter the flow of events. But whatever.
The other major complaint I have is the utterly ridiculous CG caribou. I mean, it was clearly not a real caribou, so it looked really stupid and out of place. Why not just change it to a deer or something, and use a real animal in the filming?
But now on to the good points, which mostly outweigh the bad. The acting-really good (especially from scene-stealers Hailey McCann as Alba DeTamble, and Arliss Howard as Richard DeTamble). The characters-really good. Both leads are enigmatic people, but clearly troubled. McAdams' portrayal of Clare was a little stiff at times, but it did serve to get across her bohemian ice queen image. And while there were narrative problems, most of the logic makes sense when you reflect on it. A word of caution: if you are not a sap and a romantic, you will probably not like this movie. Director Robert Schwentke pours it on almost as thick as The Notebook, and betimes yanks maybe a little too hard on those heartstrings. However, it successfully reiterates the message we all love to believe--that love conquers all, space and time, etc., and in the end it's quite easy to sympathize with the character the movie is titled for--Clare herself. I found it to be a satisfactory romance, drama, and character study with sufficiently-developed characters and lovely cinematography.
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