Hands down Death in Vegas' Scorpio Rising cover wins this month.
1. "Amber"/311-Can't say I'm a big fan of the punk-reggae-crossover 311 usually is (which means they failed as a Ska band) but damn this song is real pretty for stoner music. It has an addictive, luscious beat and chill lyrics, if you get my drift. They're also strangely poetic.
2. "There's No Other Way"/Blur-Yay, more '90's British grunge rock, although I often hesitate to put these guys in with Oasis since they're generally more upbeat than the gritty Gallagher brothers. "There's No Other Way" is mellow and laid-back and perfect for summer driving.
3. "Girl"/Beck-Another perfect summer song with Beck's usually cryptic lyrics although the gist of this song is actually understandable-the guy in Beck's song has his eye on a girl and he knows he's going to nail her. This is a pretty classic summer song, low-key and relaxed (when is Beck not low-key and relaxed?).
4. "So You Say You Lost Your Baby"/Death in Vegas-DiV has got to be one of the most eclectic bands I've ever heard, ranging from rootsy rock to weird electronica to grunge rock. "So You Say" is pretty standard rock fare with lyrics and vocals reminiscent of Southern roots rock or even country. It's also mellow summer music-fans of, say, Kings of Leon would probably enjoy this song.
5. "Ramble On"/Led Zeppelin-Before now, I really haven't put much stock in Led Zeppelin. I viewed them as a less talented, less musical version of the Grateful Dead. Plus they technically started the Heavy Metal movement (although if Heavy Metal had stayed the way they played it, I'd have less to complain about). Listening now, though, I can see why they're so addictive. The music has such a wide range of influence and the simple melodies end up pulling you in. I maintain that they're probably more fun to play than to listen to, but I'm thoroughly impressed with the Lord of the Rings references in this song.
6. "Sun Children"/Nickodemus-They're classified as alternative when they really should be world, but Nickodemus produces a solid effort here. "Sun Children" is addictive with a distinct latin flair and actually good rapping.
7. "Karma Police"/Radiohead-This isn't a summer song, but it's still damn good. Reminiscent of a darker, more spare Coldplay, Radiohead will never share Coldplay's widespread commerical success but I think I like them better than Coldplay. It's slow but it doesn't plod in any way, and the piano is the real powerhouse of the song.
8. "Lovers in Japan (Osaka Sun Remix)"/Coldplay-Did I just say something bad about Coldplay? I take it back. "Lovers in Japan," at least this remix, proves once again that they are the masters of universally sweeping, beautiful confections. And don't get the original, get the remix.
9. "Jerk It Out"/The Caesars-Despite the questionable subject matter, the catchiness of this song is unquestionable. The fast tempo in this undeniably alternative, light-weight tune has been featured in numerous commercials.
10. "The Guitar Man"/Cake-A long-time favorite of mine, Cake rarely, if ever, gets this serious. This song is a perfect laid-back melody for summer, complete with light-as-a-feather guitars and infused with melancholy. The best part of the song is the wistful lyrics which are both clever and poignant.
Well that's it for this month. I'll try to keep it a little more upbeat and summery next month.
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